I'm no superman... but Turk from Scrubs sure is. Turk is a skilled surgeon, a loving husband, a loyal friend, and a talented 'find the saltine' player. Whether he's jamming in his air band, being the base in Eagle, or fulfilling his duties as half of multi-ethnic siamese doctor, Turk always makes me laugh... and I hear that's the best medicine. That and penicillin. So happy BHM Brown Bear, you are scrub that gets love from me, no matter what TLC says.
Black History Month Great Black Person #26 of 28: Chocolate Milk
My all-time favorite football player. Joe Hamilton was a four-year starter at QB for Georgia Tech and was absolutely robbed of the 1999 Heisman Trophy. A fellow HTS grad, Joe made Tech fans everywhere proud to be Jackets. I love you Joe Hamilton.
Black History Month Great Black Person #28 of 28: all the fine black people who read all these posts and didn't get mad at me
It's been a lot of fun writing all these BHM Great Black People profiles, but right from the start I was worried I might offend someone. Hopefully that was never the case. From what I can tell, everyone seemed to be pretty cool with it, so thanks for that. I'm kinda sad to see February end because I enjoyed this so much... hopefully you did too. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the support... only 337 days til Black History Month 2012... and it's a leap year!
And you can see the whole BHM collection in one place here or find it over there to on the right side of the page -------->
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